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The crisis at the border is ongoing, and the need for strong, effective, and humane immigration reform is urgent. On this issue, it is critical we have  representatives in Congress who will prioritize common sense, common ground solutions.     

April supports the bipartisan border agreement announced in the Senate. This bill secures our border and provides critical support to our immigration system, including supplemental appropriations to border security, and new technology to better detect fentanyl and other dangerous contraband. 

In Congress, April is prepared to work with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to deliver critical, bipartisan legislation that makes our country safer, our border more secure, and treats people fairly and humanely while preserving the right to legal immigration – consistent with our values as a nation. 

In addition to enhancing our national security domestically, April also recognizes the emerging threats we’re witnessing to national security globally. In Congress, April will support legislation that protects our commitment to our allies in Ukraine and Israel as they defend themselves against tyranny and terrorism, while also providing much-needed humanitarian assistance to civilians affected by conflicts of war. 

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