Press Releases

April McClain Delaney Denounces Neil Parrott’s Dangerous Plans for Social Security on Program’s 89th Anniversary

Aug 14, 2024

For Immediate Release:
August 14, 2024

[email protected] 

Gaithersburg, MD – On the 89th anniversary of Social Security, April McClain Delaney is highlighting the dangerous views her opponent, Neil Parrott, holds regarding the future of this essential program.

In a recently surfaced video, Parrott proposed raising the retirement age, a move that would force millions of hard working Americans to delay their well-earned benefits. This position is consistent with Parrott’s troubling record in the Maryland legislature, where he consistently voted against measures aimed at supporting low-income seniors, including subsidies for assisted living and increased food stamp benefits.

“Social Security is one of the most successful and essential programs in American history, providing a safety net for millions of seniors, people with disabilities, and hardworking families,” said April McClain Delaney. “Our seniors have dedicated their lives to building this country, and it’s our responsibility to ensure their retirement security. On this anniversary of Social Security, we must recommit to safeguarding this vital program for future generations.”

While Neil Parrott’s record clearly shows he cannot be trusted to defend our most vulnerable communities, April McClain Delaney is committed to working across the aisle to find common-sense solutions that protect Social Security and uphold the promise made to American workers. 

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April McClain Delaney’s: Women’s Empowerment Agenda

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