Press Releases

Sierra Club endorses April McClain Delaney in Maryland’s 6th Congressional District

Jul 18, 2024

For Immediate Release:
July 18, 2024

[email protected] 

Gaithersburg, MD – Today, the Sierra Club announced its decision to endorse April McClain Delaney for Maryland’s 6th Congressional District. The group is the nation’s largest grassroots environmental organization and joins the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) in endorsing McClain Delaney’s campaign.

“Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Across the 6th District there are extraordinary resources that need our protection – ranging from the Potomac River and its Basin to Deep Creek Lake, to the Catoctin Mountain Park,” said McClain Delaney. “I’m honored to have the backing of the Sierra Club as we advocate for a climate-resilient future.” 

“April McClain Delaney understands that climate change is real and that tackling this issue is essential to improving the future of all Americans,” said Alex Stavitsky-Zeineddin, Political Chair of Sierra Club’s Montgomery County chapter. “She also knows that developing and supporting alternative energy sources can bring jobs to Maryland as well which will benefit our communities.”

“The 6th District needs leadership that understands tackling climate change is not just about protecting our environment. Investing in clean energy is an economic opportunity for Maryland that will create job growth, save families money, and boost our economy.” said McClain Delaney. Protecting our environment for future generations while building a sustainable economy is a common-sense solution to an existential problem.”   

“As a native of District 6, I’m aware, now more than ever, of the grave importance of the upcoming election. Environmental protections have never been more at risk, and the candidates’ positions have never been more stark,” said Peggy Mothershed, Political Chair of Sierra Club’s Washington County chapter. “Protecting the environment transcends party lines and environmental harms do not discriminate. As a 22-year-old, it is my generation’s future on the line this November. We must come together to support April McClain Delaney as the environmental choice, and the choice for our future.”


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